In: People & Culture, B&P Asia 28 February 2023

Cambodia Cultural Awareness Site Visit

Our COVA Cambodia team arranged a Cultural Awareness Site Visit to Wat Phnom, located in the center of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.


The team spent the afternoon exploring the temple, lighting incense, and praying to the statue of Buddha, to bring good health, business prosperity, and luck to all our COVA team.


This visit provided COVA Group with a fundamental understanding of the culture that surrounds our place of work and is hugely important to our development both personally and professionally. Becoming closer to the culture that surrounds us gives us a fantastic opportunity to use said understanding and explore ways we, as COVA Group, can work with local business, industry, and market leaders to help support the advancement and development of this incredible country


It's safe to say, the team all really enjoyed this experience and look forward to the next Cultural Awareness Trip to Oudong Mountain very soon.


#COVA #strongertogether #Cambodia #teambuilding #culturalawareness


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